Professional competence issues

Organizational issues

Sometimes an extra task or development involves not only the deployment of staff, but it is about realizing a complete project. Emerge&See can support you with this!

Professional organization
One of the core tasks within aid organizations is repressive action. The quality depends on various aspects. In principle, the following areas are:
- quality of equipment & materials
- the level of knowledge of the employee
- the physical condition of the employee
- the organization of procedures, policies and regulations.

The establishment of a professional organization can for a large part consist of the use of existing staff. It is important that awareness arises of the usefulness and necessity of such an organization among employees.
By making use of the existing knowledge and skills of their own staff, additional costs are avoided.
Emerge&See is able to use your existing knowledge effectively and effectively when setting up a professional organization.
Management organization professional competence
With a growth to support this will often mean that within organizations there is also a need for an own professional competence department or a coordinator. This will implement the organization, export and aftercare of all the preconditions necessary to keep the staff trained and trained within the set frameworks.
Emerge&See can realize this as a project. We take care of the setting up and setting up of a department or the work of a coordinator so that it can be operational in the short term and can meet the requirements and wishes of the organization and the employees.
Training policy plan
There are different definitions of the term 'training'. "The conscious and targeted influence of employees in work organizations, individually or in groups, through which knowledge, skills, visions and attitudes are developed, which are necessary or desirable for the fulfillment of current and / or future job (s)."

Training courses can be subdivided into different forms. A first form is technically oriented. In this form the employee focuses on the required basic professional knowledge of his profession. An example of this is a fire watch who will follow a jet nozzle training course. A manager who wants to further develop his competencies in the area of ​​management does this through management training. In addition, there are function-oriented courses. These are training courses that focus on the functioning of the employee in his position.

Training should no longer be seen as a cost item, but as an investment. Organizations see that training can contribute in an effective way to achieving organizational objectives.Emerge&See can draw up and implement a goal-oriented and coherent training policy plan for your organization.
Practice policy plan
Practice is needed at emergency services organizations to ensure that all statutory tasks can be performed adequately when it comes to it.
Good practice is not only important for the proper execution of the assistance tasks, but also a responsibility of the employer from the perspective of the Working Conditions Act.
Major bottlenecks in practice include the lack of systematic practice, realistic practice and evaluation and the skills of troops and executives (commanders and officers).
Emerge&See knows the legal frameworks and health and safety legislation and is able to effectively remove bottlenecks through systematic exercise planning.
Annual Training & Practice Planning
In connection with the training / exercise policy, a plan must be set up in which all the agreed frameworks of the policy plan have been worked out in a timeline. There must be a structure with a prioritization of priorities, linked to specific practice goals, location and personnel. This gives a good and effective distribution of the training.
Emerge&See provides an adequate year planning Training & Practice or advises your staff members when they are created.
Support for large-scale multidisciplinary training Certainly during large exercises with other parties, it is important that during the preparation of the exercise a good organization is organized, so that the different parties achieve both the joint and the specific goal at the end of the training. This requires good coordination and preparation. Emerge&See can support this in an advisory, coordinating and executive capacity. From scenario development to observation and registration.
Construction projects of training facilities
If your organization is considering setting up your own training facility, we can offer support from several levels in our expertise. This can be done from supporting your project managers to the complete outsourcing of the entire project to Emerge&See. Our employees have years of knowledge and experience in setting up, managing and further developing training facilities. Through these experiences one can prevent it from getting into complex issues and one will end up in practical solutions.
Facility facilities for training
To practice effectively within your own organization there is often a need for resources. This is the area between the purchase of a smoke machine to the design and complete set-up of a personal exercise object.
Emerge&See can make an inventory showing what the most effective and efficient solutions are with an intended maximum return.
Exercise externally or practice smartly on your own location?
Emerge&See provides you with well-founded answers.

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